Project period: 2017-09-01 - 2020-12-31
SmartAgri is a collaborative project with the overall goal of developing an innovation platform and meeting place that brings together areas of competence and knowledge in IT, automation and agriculture/biology.
SmartAgri is a collaborative project amongst Agroväst, Science Park Skövde and RISE (the unit for agriculture and food). The overall goal is to develop an innovation platform and meeting place that brings together areas of competence and knowledge in IT, automation and agriculture/biology. Thereby the project hope to create better conditions for small and medium-sized technology companies to develop and test new smart technology solutions and methods for intensified, sustainable and safe food production.
The primary target group is existing small and medium-sized IT and technology companies in Western Sweden who develop and deliver solutions directly, or as part of other solutions, to the customer group agriculture and food production.
The secondary target group is the companies and players that enable increased growth and competitiveness of the primary target group, for example farmers, food producers, universities and customers.
The project is funded by the EU's regional development fund, Region Västra Götaland and Skaraborg´s Association of Local Authorities.
Read more about SmartAgri (in Swedish)