Owners and financiers
The company is 51 percent owned by an ownership association consisting of AB Volvo, ALMI, Volvo Cars, the Västra Götaland Region, Länsförsäkringar Skaraborg, Jula, Dafgårds, Skaraborgs Kommunalförbund, Elos Medical and IF Metall. The remaining 49 percent is owned by Skövde Stadshus AB.
Science Park Skövde's base financiers are the Västra Götaland Region and Skövde municipality. The company conducts development projects in collaboration with other players and with funding from, among others, the Västra Götaland Region, VINNOVA, Tillväxtverket/EU, Skaraborgs Kommualförbund, Sparbanksstiftelsen Alfa, Ann-Marie and Gustav Anders foundation for media research and Skövde municipality.