25 years of innovation - the companies contributing to the science park


Science Park Skövde has over a quarter of a century grown from an office and one person, to eight properties filled with around 80 companies and nearly 1100 employees. Now, as the science park celebrates its 25th anniversary, we take the opportunity to, in a series of articles, celebrate the companies that are contributing to building our shared innovation environment!

Throughout the journey, Science Park Skövde has had a clear overarching goal, to be a place, a focal point for people and companies who want to contribute with innovation, development, and growth in Skaraborg's business community. It is therefore time to present the companies who, through their employees every day, tirelessly and perseveringly, contribute to sustainable solutions, digital services, and entertainment.


Addgile offers a range of services within software development and IT. The company supports its clients with both individual developers to existing teams as well as a dedicated Addgile team that helps companies get started with development and operations. Additionally, they offer services within strategy, requirements, user training, and assistance with transitioning to agility, as well as tailor-made software solutions for web, mobile, and cloud based on microservice technology through a partnership.

Location: Spaljén (Kaplansgatan 18)


Almi supports companies to grow, become profitable, and sustainably long-term. With its unique experience of the challenges involved in business growth, Almi knows what it takes to succeed. Almi offers financing and business development to companies with growth potential, both startups and existing companies. Through its subsidiary Almi Invest, they also invest venture capital in early-stage companies with great growth potential and a scalable business idea.

Location: Portalen (Kanikegränd 3B)


Alten is an international consulting firm in technology, IT, and Life Sciences and is represented in over 30 countries. The company offers expertise throughout the product development chain and has partners in many industries, including automotive, aviation and defense, energy, industry, and the public sector. As a global player, they can use accumulated technical experience and resources to take on complex assignments, and as a local player, they have the opportunity to work closely with their customers and deliver competitive solutions.

Location: Spaljén (Kaplansgatan 16 C-G)

Bengt Dahlgren

Bengt Dahlgren is a privately owned engineering consulting company in civil engineering. The company provides qualified engineers in civil engineering and is certified according to ISO 14001 and ISO 9001. The company's focus and direction are to be really good at, and deliver services within everything that makes properties live and people feel good. Heat, cooling, air, fire protection, sustainability, security, light, moisture, water, and energy are the company's world and have been since its inception in 1952.

Location: Pergolan (Kaplansgatan 18)


Bosnet operates and develops an open fiber network, a platform that gives customers the freedom to choose among several broadband service providers. The company thus focuses on operating the fiber network and providing the service platform. Bosnet provides sustainable, reliable, and future-proof infrastructure with high performance and ensures that broadband providers can deliver their services without interruption. For its customers, this means competitive prices and a wide selection of broadband services.

Location: Spaljén (Kaplansgatan 16 C-G)